Saturday 24 March 2007

Slavery; Whose fault was it?

I have followed with some interest the media coverage of the anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade but I have been troubled by one thing. We are told that we now need to apologise for slavery.

On the radio this morning there was some troubled soul who was clearly very upset and resentful of the slave trade and felt that an apology from our leader St Tony would somehow make everything better. I have only a limited knowledge of things historical but I am sure that his Holiness was not controlling his subjects 200 years ago, although it may seem like it and not even Gordon Brown wouldn't wait that long to move next door. So how can his perfectness, or anyone living today be held in any way responsible for the actions of others long deceased?

Clearly, nobody would say that the slave trade was a good thing today but obviously at the time it was very popular with a lot of people, especially those who made vast fortunes on the back of it. the profiteers were not only those who actually collected the poor unfortunate souls and forced them into a life of oppression and exploitation. there were those who made money building ships, those making chains, someone had to sell food to the ships (although not much) not to mention the career opportunities in the Merchant Navy. Remember that at the time it was not only legal it was encouraged! What we need to do is find the individual who started it all off and make him apologise.

Slavery has been about since the first caveman thought on one cold and frosty morning whilst contemplating going out and catching a bear for breakfast " I cant be arsed" So he made someone else go. I think this is the moment when we seperated from the beasts and became modern man. So instead of being an abhorrent human trait I think it is a defining characteristic.
The other one is our capacity for war. No animals are able to organise such events or even show the slightest interest in war, this is because it requires a higher level of intelligence than your average goldfish who will be content wherever you put him, he never fancies a bigger bowl or fancy food.

What else should be apologised for? The Egyptians should apologise for building the Pyrmids with slave labour. The Italians were responsible for their forebears conquering and oppressing most of Europe. The Spanish for the actions of the Conquistadors in South America and the Swedes for ABBA.

The slave trade happened over 200 years ago and with the advantage of modern thinking we all see that it was a bad thing and something of which nobody can be proud but no-one alive today should feel responsible because no-one alive today is suffering from the action taken so long ago. And as for the poor resentful soull on the radio and those poor misguided people who have walked from Hull to London in chains I have a message. Get over it.

While I thnk of it, This country and William Wilberforce in particular brought about the abolition of the Slave Trade, so maybe the moaner should nip round to his smiliness and say "Thanks"